Wednesday 14 December 2016

God generator

Time for some random deities for your game.

God name (d20)

1. Druth
2. Arcturan
3. Silpha
4. Pukk
5. Thunna
6. Gorgob
7. Neveressa
8. Jinn
9. Adoleise
10. Wendolyn
11. Oster
12. Yigg
13. Roth-honna
14. Dursten
15. Malikk
16. Trendor
17. Soone
18. Ulparthia
19. Quentillia
20. Borron

God domain (d20)

1. Fog
2. Dark places
3. Sexual pleasure
4. Terror
5. Bravery
6. Whispers
7. The hearth
8. Art
9. Cookery
10. Spoiled milk
11. Itching
12. Sleep
13. Transportation
14. Bells
15. Ale
16. Mischief
17. Cheese
18. Moss
19. Dead birds
20. Lakes

Holy symbol (d10)

1. A yellow raven
2. A shattered anvil
3. A one-eyed doe
4. An orc toe
5. A skull within a skull within a skull
6. A gourd
7. An upside down pine
8. A rotting apple
9. A fork
10. An ear of corn

Appears in the mortal realm as... (d10)

1. An old woman
2. A large fish
3. A floating harp
4. A disembodied arm
5. A wolf face
6. An oak tree
7. A young boy
8. A three-eyed rabbit
9. A purple cloud
10. A mace

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