Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Darkmaster Passions: Senjutsu Edition


One of the many things I really like about Against the Darkmaster is that the rules explicitly advise you to use metal to inspire your Passions. So with Iron Maiden's 17th outing, Senjutsu, recently released (it's ridiculously good), I thought I'd pull out some Passions based on the lyrics within.

Must be steadfast, must be patient, must believe we can win

I try to find my way back home to feel the same again

Holy fury locks me in, imprisoned by my deadly sin

Open your heart and I'll open your soul

Pity me none at the gates of our hell

For I am but a messenger, one

Sent to do reckoning what must be done

Just remember that patience is no sin

I wish I could go back

Will never be the same again

Bled for all upon this hell on earth

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