With Halberd Fantasy Roleplaying just released, I wanted to share some of the infinite number of characters that you can create in the game. The rules contain a series of pre-made character archetypes but also stress that players can easily make their own archetypes and races.
With that, I give you 5 characters you could be creating in Halberd...
5. Elven Storyteller
The Elven storyteller is a well-travelled spinner of epic yarns. Hailing from the sprawling forest world in the centre of Tequendria, the Elven storyteller left her home at an early age to seek adventure across the kingdom. Through courageous battles and daring quests, the storyteller has built up an incredible mountain of tales to tell eager punters in the pubs of Highbridge.
Example Stats
Action: d6
Wits: d8
Ego: d10
Hits: 8
Archetype Specialisms: Storytelling +2 (Ego), Inspirational +2 (Ego)
Racial Specialisms: Wilderness Lore +2 (Wits)
Weapon: Ivory Cane + 2 [Light 2-Handed Melee]
Armour: Light -1
4. Dwarf Ninja
This seemingly unlikely combination is actually a fairly popular one in Tequendria. The ninja is stealthy and quick with her kills, making them one of the most feared warriors in the land. This particular one has fantastic training in the use of the light tanto blade and has chosen to receive a bonus is moving silently. The racial specialism Poison Immunity is a must, as ninja are often the target of other assassins.
Example Stats
Action: d10
Wits: d8
Ego: d6
Hits: 10
Archetype Specialisms: Light One-Handed Melee Proficiency +1 (Action), Move Silently +2 (Action)
Racial Specialisms: Poison Immunity +2 (Action)
Weapon: Tanto +1 [Light 1-Handed Melee]
Armour: Light -1
3. Human Spellblade
The Spellblade knows two things - swords and magick. This archetype is particularly suited to running into the heat of battle and eviscerating his enemies with his blade and damage-based spells. The Spellblade is a force to be reckoned with and rightly feared throughout the land.
Example Stats
Action: d10
Wits: d8
Ego: d6
Hits: 9
Archetype Specialisms: Heavy Two-Handed Melee Proficiency +1 (Action), Damage Magick +1 (Wits)
Racial Specialisms: Blacksmithing +2 (Action)
Weapon: Claymore +3 [Heavy 2-Handed Melee]
Armour: Medium -2
2. Halfling Witchfinder
Don't let her diminutive stature fool you, the Halfling Witchfinder means business. Witchfinders hunt down evil witches wherever they may be and make sure they pay for their dark ways - usually by shooting them with their crossbow (which is usually given a name).
Example Stats
Action: d10
Wits: d6
Ego: d8
Hits: 8
Archetype Specialisms: Intimidate +2 (Ego), Light One-Handed Ranged Proficiency +1 (Action)
Racial Specialisms: Quick Footed +2 (Action)
Weapon: Hand Crossbow +1 [Light 1-Handed Ranged]
Armour: Medium -2
1. Elven Frost Mage
Many who study magick choose to specialise in a specific type while others like to be all-rounders. The Frost Mage is the former, honing her skills on the manipulation of ice and snow to freeze her enemies in their tracks. The Elven Frost Mage comes from a rare species of elf that inhabits the Blue Spire Mountains. They are groomed from birth to harness the power of the cold and it is said that the ancient elves have become entirely made of ice.
Example Stats
Action: d6
Wits: d10
Ego: d8
Hits: 7
Archetype Specialisms: Paralysis Magick +1 (Wits), Magick Lore +2 (Wits)
Racial Specialisms: Charismatic +2 (Ego)
Weapon: Ice Staff +2 [Light 2-Handed Melee]
Armour: Light -1
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