Thursday, 13 March 2014

Taking The Trollish Delver To New Heights

It's now been five years since this blog popped into existence on the internet. I've been quiet for the past few weeks, thinking about how I can take The Trollish Delver forward into 2014 - how to keep it fresh and relevant. I have a problem keeping things the same and the blog has been through numerous redesigns in the past, but I don't like stagnancy. If I get bored, TD stagnates and I have to face facts that I do, believe it or not, have regular readers who enjoy my content.

"I want to set this apart from every other roleplaying game site out there" 

So I'm evolving. I've cleared the clutter away from the sidebar in order to create a more aesthetically pleasing site. Articles will be long form, with beautiful large images and you will get more kinds of content: podcasts, video, ebooks and more. I want to set this apart from every other roleplaying game/geeky site out there.

It may work, it may not. I can't promise nothing will change down the line, but I want - no, need - Trollish Delver's focus to be on beautiful, high quality content that's helpful, entertaining and engaging.

"I'm taking Trollish Delver back to its roleplaying roots"

If you have any ideas for the blog, then email me. I want to do more interviews, in-depth articles and analysis, picture galleries and reviews. Furthermore, I'm taking Trollish Delver back to its roleplaying roots, where tabletop gaming will be its main focus along with comic books.

I really hope you will support me in making this site bigger and better than ever as it enters its fifth year. I want to thank you for being supportive and reading my little corner of the internet. My readers are absolutely fantastic and I'm lucky to have them.

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