Saturday 10 November 2012

Writers wanted for The Trollish Delver

Over the past month The Trollish Delver has grown significantly, with a focus on geek culture in general rather than solely roleplaying games. As such, there's a whole heap of stuff to report on and one guy doesn't have enough time to cover it all. However, I want to make The Trollish Delver the site for geek culture and opinion - it's a lofty ambition but I firmly believe it can happen. However, I'm at the stage now where I'm going to need some help. This is where you come in.

If you love to write and are interested in all things geek, whether it's board games, science, roleplaying games, video games, cult TV and movies, then I want you to contribute to The Trollish Delver.

Right now this isn't a paid position (hell, I don't even get paid) but I am on the look out for advertisers for the site, which will eventually start a revenue stream and allow for payment. Until then, contributing to The Trollish Delver will get your writing seen by thousands of people per week and is a great way to enhance your portfolio. Still interested? Cool, here's what I'm looking for:

- a science reporter (covering mostly astronomy, physics, biology and tech)
- a TV reporter (covering cult TV, such as The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones etc)
- a film reporter (covering geeky movies, such as superhero, sci-fi, and fantasy)
- a roleplaying and board game reporter (covering tabletop roleplaying and specialist board games)
- a videogame reporter (erm, guess).
- a comic book reporter (again...)

Contributors will be expected to submit at least 3 posts per week. This can be news or feature based.

If you want to apply, please send an email to scott.malthouse87[at] with the following details:

Position applying for
A 300-1000 words sample of your writing, preferably something that's previously been published

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