Sunday, 21 May 2017

Introducing Doom of the Savage Land

Bloody hell, I can't do it. After creating Tequendria I was going to take a break, but I decided to release Wired Neon Cities. After that I again decided to take a break, but that's not happening.

Doom of the Savage Land is my new thing that I'm working on. I wanted to take the Romance of the Perilous Land system - a blend of 5e and white box - and design a game more akin to D&D. Romance is very much its own game, so Doom of the Savage Land will be my own response to things like Swords and Wizardry and Labyrinth Lord.

If you're familiar with Romance, you'll know that I did away with Vancian magic, instead using a points system. This is staying in Doom, but I'm lacing the book with conversion advice because I'm so very helpful.

Classes I have written up so far: Fighter, Wizard, Thief, Cleric and Ranger. I'll likely add Barbarian too. Races are human, elf, dwarf, halfling and ratling. Yep, rats, baby!

Doom has refined some of the classes for Romance and I've added a few more options - such as martial styled for fighters and thief archetypes, so you can be, like, an assassin. Also, multiclassing is an option.

Also like Romance, HD works like MR in Tunnels and Trolls - giving you everything you need in a single number. It's also fully compatible with other editions. I love simplicity, being a simple chap myself.

In terms of release - who knows? I've got the system down, I'm just building it out.

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