Friday 10 August 2018

D6 addictive things

Let's get addicted to:

1. Felger - this thin viscous coating remains on the target of a spell. It smells vaguely of popcorn. Snuffers visit wizard mausoleums to scrape the residue off dead sorcerors where they smear the stuff in their nasal cavities. After ingesting the user sees the laquered purple eyes of the Indecent God. This is not a vision. There is a 5% chance the user gains the spell that killed the corpse.

2. Altosh, the Dreamer's Tongue - Altosh is an addictive language spoken by the wormkin of Gulath. The sounds are potent, pulling those who hear it into a dreamlike state. The wormkin enjoy feasting on dreamers (they, of course, are immune to Altosh). There's a 10% chance the dreamer gains telepathy for 1d10 days.

3. Bugbug mushroom - a particular favourite of mud goblins. Bugbug is first chewed by the gorberry caterpillar (deadly to the touch) before being harvested from bark. The mushroom is then made into a tea. The effects give the user a sprouting of translucent wings. Overdosing gives a 30% chance the user will turn into a giant fly.

4. Porting - stepping through a portal offers a very quick rush, but stepping through a series multiplies it exponentially. Porters line up a series of portals, dozens at a time and fall through them. There's a 5% chance a user's skin is ripped off. This goes up by 5% for every portal after the 7th.

5. Elfsleep - most elves don't actually sleep, instead going into a trance. Elfsleep was a potion created for other races to experience this trance. It's highly addictive and incredibly blissful. There's a 10% chance a user will remain in elfsleep indefinitely.

6. Vlute music - the vlute is an instrument native to the tok tok orc tribe of the Fell Hills. It's a cross between a guitar and a bassoon, made of wood and cartilage. The sound it emits causes non orcs to mindlessly do art. They will pick up whatever is near them and produce drawings, paintings, sculptures. The brain-dead creativity and outcome is so addictive that people travel thousands of miles to visit the tok tok. The tok tok mostly eat their heads.

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