Saturday, 26 December 2015

2015 Round-Up and What's in Store for 2016?

Well 2015 has certainly been a year. Since I'm literally trapped inside my flat at the moment because the canal near me has burst its banks, I have very little to do , so I've decided to write my round-up post a little earlier this year. I'll talk about what projects I got off the ground, what projects I started and others that I meant to start but never got round to them for reasons.

So what the hell happened this year?

I kicked off 2015 with the launch of Shadow and Blade: A Guide to Assassins in Tunnels & Trolls. I'm really proud of this one. It's the first non-adventure supplement I've written for the system and I'll be sure to release at least one more next year.

The spring was pretty quiet in terms of output and I wish I'd had the chance to get more stuff out. Next year, I'd certainly like to get at least a product out per season if I can.

But in the summer came Canary Overdrive, an original RPG to celebrate kick-ass women all over the world. It's a small, simple game, but people seem to enjoy it.

Soon after I released Canary Overdrive Missions: Mindmush, the first adventure for the game. I also uploaded an example character, Cutter.

As Summer began to fade I was on my way with the first of 2015's USR supplements. In September the Lovecraftian nightmare that is Beyond Fear was released on the unsuspecting public. Weirdly, unlike almost all my other products this one still hasn't been reviewed, so if you want to do that I'd be very grateful.

Sometime in Autumn I started putting together The Kremmsellion - a new adventure for Deluxe T&T. Should be a fun one.

Finally, today I released Somnium Void, which has been a long time coming. I've been knocking this one around for a couple of years, but as with a lot of things I do I've been chopping and changing it ever since. I've managed to get it out this year by the skin of my teeth.

What the hell is happening next year?

Good question. Hopefully early 2016 will see the release of Apocalypse in Your Hometown, so I'll be pimping that soon. Really excited about this one, as I haven't seen any of the other adventures in this omnibus.

I've also got a world exclusive for you right here. I'll be launching a line of systemless supplements called 'Imaginatum: Infinite Systemless Roleplaying'. If you've been reading the blog over the past few months you will have seen that I've been creating a lot of system free stuff and it turns out that I really love doing it. Imaginatum will have everything from larger settings to smaller books focusing on a specific aspect of RPGs, like equipment or places.

The Kremmsellion will also be released sometime in the first quarter of 2016, so watch out for that.

In terms of USR, I have plans for a line of sandbox adventures, the first of which will be released in 2016. I will also be working on a new setting.

That's as far as I've got with 2016 planning, but I'm absolutely certain that there will be other stuff.

As ever, thanks for your support this year. I think that Trollish Delver Games is now getting into a comfortable stride and that's down to everyone who has downloaded, played and reviewed my games.

Here's to 2016!

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