Friday, 6 April 2012

Trailblazers! is out now {T&T}

First off, sorry for the lack of posts. I've been really busy with work lately as well as stuff for Trollish Delver Games. Anyway, it's a four-day weekend for me so expect plenty of posts.

Stuart Lloyd is back with his next solo adventure for T&T Trailblazers! which is available on DriveThruRPG

Stuart has been producing some top notch solos over the past few months like Temple of the Fool God and Khazan City ChaosTrailblazers! sees delvers of levels 1 to 2 head into the forbidding wilderness to seek adventure and engage in monster-slaying good times.

Also, don't miss out on his awesome April A-Z, where he has conducted interviews with personalities in the gamebook industry.


  1. I've had a look at the preview. Again loads of interesting rules-y stuff!

  2. Thanks for the preview! I just purchased both Trailblazers & Khazan City Chaos.
