Saturday, 28 April 2012

USR gets first DrivethruRPG review...and it's 5 stars

Yesterday I received a great email from John (aka Danjou's Hand) telling me that he'd reviewed USR on DrivethruRPG and RPGNow and that he'd done a new dungeon crawl write up. I was chuffed to bits - thanks John!

The review is short and sweet (much like USR itself) and I'm pleased to say that it gained 5 stars. John's blog, Tabletop Diversions, has done a series of games using the rules, including a cool skirmish game and his most recent solo adventure. Thanks so much for your support, John!

Remember, USR is free to download and, as John said, you can do pretty much anything you want with it. Go crazy and have fun.


  1. I think the free stuff often gets overlooked when it comes to reviews. It's really good that someone's using, developing and playing it. (I must give USR a closer look, I love compact rulesets - I'm sure I rated it, but sometimes forget, I download, skim, save - Stuart Lloyd was recommending I think as well :) )

  2. Random thought - I bet if you charged 75c for it and mailed the code to reviewers, it would get a lot of attention on DriveThru. *grin* Also have you thought about creating one of those mini-fold up pocket rules PDF, like Weird West?
