Thursday, 21 February 2013

PS4 confirmed for Christmas release, still no sign of a console

Yesterday Sony held their PlayStation 4 announcement press conference and live stream to a horde of gamers waiting to see what goodies the new console has in store. While we saw some awesome stuff, there was no sign of the actual console. Is Sony waiting for E3 for the big reveal? Probably. But they ended the conference announcing that the new console will drop at the end of this year.

Developers took to the stage last night to show off the new capabilities and titles we will expect to see on the PS4, including some surprising reveals. While we had predictable suspects such as Killzone: Shadow Fall and yet another Final Fantasy, there was much confusion and speculation on Twitter when Blizzard took to the stage. Could this finally be a console World of Warcraft or how about a revival of Starcraft: Ghost? It actually turned out to be the announcement that Diablo 3 will be appearing on both the PS3 and PS4. Meh.

Still, Watch_Dogs by Ubisoft looks pretty unique. From the short gameplay clip we saw that the player will take on the role of a vigilante who has access to people's personal data via his smartphone. Not only that, he can hack bank accounts, manipulate machinery and even bring a subway to a screeching halt in order to jump on top for a daring getaway.

Bungie spoke more about their upcoming shooter Destiny, which definitely looks like one to watch out for. We also caught a glimpse of working title Deep Down from Capcom, which looks like some kind of dungeon crawler, but it really showed off the PS4's incredible graphical capabilities. Really amazing stuff.

Software aside, we saw the previously leaked Dual Shock Four controller, complete with a touchpad, a light bar to identify players, a headphone jack and the potential for motion control if coupled with a 3D camera. But, alas, we didn't see the console itself, which is a novel approach to take at the launch of a new console, but it's likely that the reveal will come later this year at E3.


  1. I really hope the PS4 will be backward compatible with the PS3.

    1. Unfortunately it isn't. They offer a streaming service for PS1,2 & 3 games, but it's not backwards compatible.
