Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Whedon: S.H.I.E.L.D will be a show about helping people

I can hardly contain myself for the new Joss Whedon show, S.H.I.E.L.D, set in the Marvel movie universe. Sure, we don't know whether it's going to be picked up for sure by ABC, but there's good money riding on it doing just that. After all, The Avengers was one of the highest grossing films of all time - who wouldn't want a slice of that delicious comic book cake?

In a recent interview, Whedon indicated that the series won't be just another TV series.

"I'm excited about the show because it's a very hopeful show. It's not about murder, and it's not about crime, and it's not people looking into their own belly buttons. It's about people who are trying to help each other, and that's one of the things I loved about comic books. They had costumes and the villains were cool [but] they stood for something, and I like doing a show that does that," explains Whedon.

I doubt he means that the series will be completely devoid of introspection, but it's refreshing to hear that we might soon be watching stories that echo the golden age of comic books, when the good guys selflessly went out and saved the world, free of navel gazing.

He also indicated that we're probably not going to be seeing many other characters outside of Agent Coulsen and the ones he has created specifically for the show.

"Right now, I want to involve people in the characters that we've created for the show, and then we'll worry about [the other stuff]."

Also, answering the question as to whether Cobie Smulders will be involved in the series, Whedon said that she "will permit very little" involvement as Maria Hill, "but if we can get a hold of her anytime, we will."

So far it sounds like S.H.I.E.L.D is shaping up well, although time will tell if it's going to be a hit.


  1. I'm excited too. However, I think there's a chance for some big disappointment if expectations aren't handled right. If people tune in because they want to see the Avengers, then they might not be happy to see a bunch of human-powered agents running around.

    They may have cameos from the big-name stars, especially the pilot, but they won't be the main focus of the show. Pushing too much of the Avengers connection would be a problem.

    On a side note: Do Sony and Columbia have the small screen rights to Spider-Man and the X-men?

  2. 4 episodes. I'll finish out the rest of the season on Netflix.
