Thursday, 27 October 2011

The Whisperer in Darkness at Leeds International Film Festival {Lovecraft}

It's coming up to that time of year again when my home-town becomes a buzzing hive of celluloid activity with the Leeds International Film Festival. 

In 2006 the HP Lovecraft Historical Society screened their debut feature film The Call of Cthulhu and this time they're back with their 'talkie' adaptation of The Whisperer in Darkness, which will be screening in the Hyde Park Picture House on 14th November. I'm totally hauling my arse over there.

Check out the trailer.


  1. Hell Yeah!

    And you suck :)

    (I wanna go...sniff)

    But in the proper spirit of the holiday here's a little piece (only showing through Halloween so watch it before it's gone!) to warm you up:


  2. Still waiting to watch the movie myself. You suck.

