Sunday 11 March 2012

Trollish Delver is 3 years old today! {Trollish Delver}

Wheel out the cake and release the balloons: Trollish Delver turns 3 years old today! It really doesn't feel like 3 years has gone by since I posted the inevitable introductory post in which I called on Bruce Campbell to open the blog (and also referred to Steve Jackson as Peter Jackson, doh!), but here I am, still blogging away in 2012.

The blog began as a repository for my thoughts about Tunnels & Trolls, but over the years through the blog I've met some fantastic people and have had some great opportunities to get into the industry and work with some of the giants of T&T. Not only that, I've made a good friend in Ken St. Andre, something I would have never have thought possible in the beginning.

Just for larks, here are a couple of old designs from Trollish Delver history, courtesy of the Wayback Machine:

I've always tried to improve the blog through both design and content and I'm pretty happy with what I have right now. I also have some fantastic commentors who regularly contribute their opinions and I really appreciate that.

So here's to another 3 years of Trollish Delver. I'm going to try my best to make it bigger and better through 2012. Thanks to all my readers for paying attention to my ramblings.


  1. Congrats, man! It's always nice to hit milestones, and look back on things to see how far you have come. Looking forward to more!

    1. Thanks, Shane. Yeah, it feels a bit unbelievable really. Thanks for your support :)

  2. Congratulations, Scott! It is easy to last for three years when you're doing quality work. Keep it up, your blog rocks!

    1. Thanks very much, Paul. Same with you for Troll Hammer :)

    2. Thanks, Scott, nice of you to say. Congrats on nabbing the Deluxe Ed. coverage!

  3. Congratulations Scott! Love your posts and keep them coming!

    1. Thanks Stuart. I've finally managed to play through Temple of the Fool God and I'll be posting a review either tonight or tomorrow. Fantastic work.

  4. Congrats! I haven't been reading your blog for three years but you are one of my regular stops these days.
