Sunday 20 May 2012

My new T&T solo, Thornguard, is out now

I've just released my latest solo adventure for Tunnels & Trolls called Thornguard, set in the capital city of Peakvale. This one's a little different than usual since there isn't an over-arching quest; rather, you get to do what you want!

In Thornguard you can join guilds, get jobs and head out on randomly generated quests. With the Job Board system, you can choose to fight crime as a city guard, or take part in crime as a member of the Thieves Guild. You can also become a merchant or holy person if you fancy. It's all up to you.

This solo uses a keyword system, like in Fabled Lands, meaning your actions have consequences. If you're caught stealing and murdering, there's a chance you could end up in jail or even executed!

You can download Thornguard from DriveThruRPG for $2.


  1. It's in my cart awaiting my next order. Sounds excellent TD, but then I tend to think the Fabled Lands series is the pinnacle of gamebook design.

    1. Great stuff, thanks for your support. I adore Fabled Lands, although Thornguard is only a fraction of the size, I've tried to incorporate some of the feel of the series.

  2. I love Fabled Lands! Can't wait for the release.

  3. Replies
    1. Is that a good thing? I hope that's a good thing.

      I like candy.

  4. Best $2 I've spent since the last time I spent money on a Trollish Delver related product. Keep 'em coming!

  5. Some very cool ideas in this one Scott - moved to the top of my reading list.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. For anyone who is interested: I wrote a review of Thornguard at my blog:
