Saturday, 5 October 2019

Delvecast episode 5: Romance of the Perilous Land

This episode I talk about Romance of the Perilous Land a bit more, seeing as though review copies seem to be landing on people's doorsteps.



  1. Thank your for this great introduction into your new game! I already own the first edition and thought that I could skip this release. Hearing about all the work that you put into the setting I'm not so sure anymore... Did you also change some of the game's mechanisms? I have to admitthat I am not a big fan of the way armour is modelled in the Black Hack inspired games.

    1. Magic mechanics have changed and more mechanics have been added. Armour is still reduced but there are more mechanics around replenishing it. Ultimately, the book is over 4 times bigger

    2. Sounds cool! Any plans for a .pdf release?

    3. It will be available on Google Play, Kindle and pdf

  2. Any plans for campaign or modules? My table generally wont play anything without them. A shame I know.
