Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Guards! Guards! Campaign idea

Man, I love the hell out of that Pratchett fella. Ever since I stuck my chubby little cheeks into Wings when I was a wee anklebiter, I've been hooked on Discworld fever and I hope they never find a cure.

That's also sort of what makes T&T resonate with me so much, not least because Josh Kirby did the Corgi art (only one of the greatest artists to ever spelunk the natural world). Ken St. Andre's humour is pretty similar to Pratchett's, or at least I think anyway, and it only seems natural to use T&T as a basis for a Discworld campaign.

Out of all the books, Guards! Guards! is my favourite, mostly because I think the City Watch is da bomb-diggidy. And that Vimes - is there any cooler customer than Sam Vimes. I don't think so.

So I was thinking how cool it would be to have a campaign set around the Watch. Each character is a member of the Watch and each session could be a new case, where they track down the criminal and bring him/her/it to justice. There could also be an overarching storyline where all these crimes are tied to one Big Bad and the Watch finally has to face off against them. I like this idea because it's made of awesome.

They could even cross paths with the chap WHO TALKS LIKE THIS.


  1. I love Discworld. Shame about the Alzheimers; that Twilight woman will probably turn out drek until she's 100.

    The best part about the books is that they are largely self-contained. Sure it helps to have read the others, but not necessary. You can miss a book and still enjoy the next; sure you might miss a joke or two, but it's better than needing to read ALL the books in order, in order to understand what's going on.
    I always come across books that look cool, have an interesting synopsis on the back and then find out it's number 2 in a trilogy and the library not only doesn't have a copy in, but it doesn't even own the first book. WTHeck?

    Anyway. It's a good idea for a campaign. I've thought of it in the past. I just doubt I could come up with enough good mysteries or crimes.
    You might not want to tell people it's Discworld inspired. That's an awfully high bar to set for yourself.

    1. Oh man, don't get me started on that chump. You're totally right about the stand-alone nature - one of the things I love about the series. You can just reach in and grab whatever and still have a great time.

      Definitely wouldn't be telling people it's Discworld inspired ;) but they should get a few of the jokes.

  2. I agree, Guards Guards is the cream of the crop. Gotta love the watch. I would play a game like this ;)

    1. They have some of the best characters in Ankh-Morpork. Good old Carrot.
