Sunday, 8 July 2012

Five comic books you should be reading right now

There are a tonne of comics out there. Fact. So it can be difficult to sort the wheat from the chaff, in an industry where a book can be incredible one week and god awful the next. Here are five of my personal comic recommendations to help you out if you're stuck with what to read.

5. Adventure Time

Yes, the show is damn awesome, but I actually think the comics are a little bit better. This book retains everything that makes the show great: the characters, the jokes and the general good vibes you get from sitting on the couch with Jake and Finn. The book is also packed with D&D references, such as the bag of holding a lich used to trap our heroes (and the world) inside. The first multi-part story has just ended so now would be a great jumping on point for new readers.

4. Atomic Robo and the Flying She-Devils of the Pacific

Soon to be made into a tabletop RPG, Red 5's flagship title Atomic Robo is everything you want in a comic. It's got comedy, drama, sci-fi, history and all out pulp goodness. In a nutshell, Atomic Robo is the titular character, created by Nikolai Tesla, who fights evil throughout time (including a psychotic raptor called Dr Dinosaur). In the past he has battled Lovecraftian horrors, Nazis and vampires. The latest volume has just kicked off and it's already extremely promising. Get this title if you love all-out fun.

3. Ghostbusters

Ever since IDW launched their Ghostbusters ongoing series some months back the stories have never been a let-down. Writer Erik Burnham is obviously in love with everything about the spook zapping team as he handles every character fantastically and always throws in plenty of references and easter eggs in each issue. Right now the Ghostbusters are touring America following leads wherever they find them, so watch out because they might just stop by your area.

2. The Spider

Pulp is making a big comeback, but Dynamite's re-invention of this edgy character is one of the best pulp books around at the moment. Set in modern times, The Spider sees playboy and police consultant Richard Wentworth on the case of a demonic gas that turns innocent people into zombies. Each character is 3-dimensional and the story isn't as predictable as you first may think. There have been two issues so far, so it's not difficult to catch up on The Spider's adventures as he delved into the criminal underworld and deals out justice with double handguns.

1. Batman

Strangely enough, this is the only superhero book on the list, but damn, this is an awesome comic. Scribe, Scott Snyder, is one of the best writers working today and he's crafted a book that is dramatic, heart-breaking and astounding, and he almost always delivers a perfect issue every month. If you were a fan of his pre-New 52 run on the incredible Detective Comics, you need to read this book. One of the best things I personally think he's done is make Gotham a character itself - a living, breathing city. You need this book.

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