Sunday, 22 July 2012

Get your free copy of Fighting Fantazine #9 now

If there's one place I go for all my gamebook news under one roof, it's Fighting Fantazine, which is both awesome and free. 

Fighting Fantazine issue 9 is now available to download and contains excellent articles on Fighting Fantasy minutiae and an entire solo adventure as well as an Advanced FF module. The publisher writes:

Our latest issue features interviews with artist Ian Miller, a new 275 reference adventure Return to the Icefinger Mountains by Ed Jolley and illustrated by Brett Schofield, an article on gamebooks in Germany by Nicolai Bonczyk (with translation by Alexander Kühnert), and an Advanced Fighting Fantasy adventure: Andrew Wright's The Hunt for the Black Whale (illustrated by Michael Wolmarans).
Also to be found are regulars such as Fighting Fantasy Collector, Fighting Dantasy, Omens & Auguries, and The Arcane Archive.
 Alexander Ballingall has put together another cracking issue that fans would be insane to miss. Fighting Fantazine is exactly what the gamebook community needs, and it provides excellence in spades. 


  1. Every once in a while I forget just how instrumental Fighting Fantasy was in getting me into roleplaying. Sure there was wargaming, but when I moved on from that, most of my wargamer friends didn't, and I was stuck with solo adventures only for quite some time. Of course, my other big 'in' to the world of gaming was a cool mate of mine who as a teenager ran Rogue Trader as an RPG a couple of times. Probably why I love what FFG is doing at the moment.

  2. Thanks for the plug Scott!
