Sunday, 7 October 2012

This week in The Trollish Delver

From Captain America becoming president to some weird shit happening on Venus, this week on The Trollish Delver has been an eventful one.

Rolemaster goes into public playtesting - the grognard's favourite is back for a new edition
Which superhero would you elect as President? - I asked the question and you answered
Cinemassacre's Monster Madness! - You should totally be watching this
Marvel Heroes goes into closed public beta - Diablo-meets-Marvel is shaping up to be awesome
Mystery cold layer found on Venus - WTF is this?
Apocalypse Prevention Inc. Savage Worlds edition released - Demons and shadow organisations galore
Play the Dishonoured interactive video - see how this new sneak-em-up plays out
Get into the Halloween spirit with Shocktober - You should totally be reading this
Fan mashes up USR and D&D - You can't have too much of a good thing

Comment of the week

Philo Pharynx gave a very in-depth answer to the question 'which superhero would you elect as president?".

"Superman would certainly be electable - except for the part where he wasn't born in America. This takes out wide swaths of comic characters.

Despite the Britsh accent, Professor Xavier was born in New York City. He's tremendously brilliant. But is America ready for a bald president?

Third party candidates have such a hard time that we'll have to write off everybody from the Image party. Which sucks, because who wouldn't vote for the Savage Dragon/Monster Girl ticket.

Since Powers switched from the Image Party to Marvel, Christian Walker is in the right party, but he doesn't have the name recognition.

Hal Jordan would be brought down when the whole Parallax thing comes out.

It would be exceedingly unlikely for a jewish/gypsy woman who practices witchcraft, used to be a supervillain, and wasn't born in the US to get elected. But when you're the Scarlet Witch, the improbable happens on a regular basis."

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