Thursday, 24 February 2011

Gauntlets & Goblins is now Derring-Do

I haven't updated on my rpg project Gauntlets & Goblins for a long time. Well the game has gone through quite a transformation and I'm pleased to announced the game it has become - Derring-Do, a rolelaying game of pulp heroes.

What? That's a far cry away from the original game about Arthurian legend, but I felt the mechanics I wanted to use didn't work particularly well with the genre. However, I found that pulp 1930's adventure was a much better fit.

I've just got back from playtesting with my regular group and it went down really well. Of course I made lots of adjustments and it'll need a few more weeks of playtesting before I can release in onto the wild digital yonder. However I will be posting weekly updates on characters and mechanics. The G&G blog will be changed too. I look forward to finally showing you guys the finished product and hope you enjoy it.


  1. Cool! Can't wait to hear more.

  2. I like the new title.

    Looking forward to perusing it.

  3. Neat. I'm looking forward to your revised logo/cover art. :D =--->
