Sticky fingers
When attempting to pick a pocket, gain +2 to the roll.
You can disguise yourself as another humanoid race or another gender. Once per day you can test Person to disguise yourself. If you are successful, you can disguise yourself for up to 7 hours. If you are disguising yourself as another race the test is difficult.
Master appraiser
You know the estimated value of an item by studying it for 10 minutes.
Gain +1 to rolls when trying to search for traps.
Advanced trapfinder
Prerequisite: Trapfinder
Gain +2 to rolls when trying to search for traps.
Animal tamer
You have an affinity with animals. You gain +1 to rolls when trying to calm a wild animal.
Adept caster
Prerequisite: magic user
Gain an extra use of one of your spells per day.
Shadow walker
When you blend into the shadows you become almost invisible. When moving in shadow you are counted as invisible. Attacks against you have a 50% chance of failing. Once you attack from shadow you can be seen until you move to another location within shadow.
You can spend 3 minutes per day giving an inspirational speech relating to one attribute. For the next hour, those witnessing the speech gain +1 to all tests involving that attribute.
Dual weilder
You do not receive a penalty for using a second melee weapon.
You may take a -1 to attack and +1 to wound damage.
Treasure hunter
The value of treasure you find is increased by 10%
Armour proficiency
Gain an extra +1 wound benefit to armour.
Advanced armour proficiency
Prerequisite: armour proficiency
Gain an extra +2 wound benefit to armour.
Knowing the winds
You intrinsically know what the weather will be like in the next 24 hours.
Poison immunity
You do not receive adverse effects from poison.
You are able to fix objects with the right materials. Test Mind to try to fix an object. Every test counts as a day of attempting to fix the object and it can be attempted multiple times. You require materials of a value equal to 25% of the object's market value.
When trying to gather information in a town or city, gain +1 to the roll.
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